Monday, 12 November 2012 23:00 |
Please review the final version of the rules just before the game starts.
Terms and Conditions
- The minimum age for a participant is 18 years.
- Each team must have 3-5 members.
- For playing the game, the teams have to complete their on-line registration until November 22 2012, 23:59. Your data will not be provided to any third party. It is possible to cancel the registration before the deadline by contacting the game masters.
- Every team has to pay 5-10 € participation fee in cash before the game starts. The exact amount will be specified later. Although it is theoretically possible to register and not turn up, please do not do it (or at least write us an email). Thanks:).
- Players are not allowed to switch teams once the game begins.
- Taking part in the game is completely and fully at your own risk. Participants agree not to break any laws and to prevent injuries. The game masters have no responsibility for any actions or personal belongings of the participants. Participants implicitly agree with the rules by playing the game.
- If there are less than 5 registered teams after the registration deadline, the game might be canceled.
Course of the Game
- The language of the game is English, the alphabet contains 26 letters.
- The game takes place in any weather.
- The game begins somewhere near the UdS campus on Sunday, November 25 2012 at 10:00. The exact place will be specified later.
- The game ends somewhere near Saarbrücken in the evening after sunset. The exact time will be specified later. The deadline is fixed and doesn't depend on the number of finishing teams.
- The goal of the game is to follow a series of checkpoints in the correct order, ultimately reaching the final location within the deadline. At every checkpoint, there is a message pointing to the next location. Messages are encrypted or obfuscated.
- The team doesn't need to finish with all its members. However, the finishers might be required to prove they know how to solve the puzzles:).
- The game is based on the fair-play of every team. Any cheating will spoil your own as well as other people's experience.
- It is strictly forbidden to use any means of transport except public transport. This includes bicycles too.
- It is forbidden to use GPS for orientation.
- Teams aren't allowed to cooperate among each other (chatting allowed). Trailing another team is forbidden. Cooperation with unregistered people for direct solving of puzzles is forbidden. Calling a friend for finding possible encyclopedic information is allowed, though.
- There is no need to access any private properties. If you think you need to climb over a fence to get to a checkpoint, you're wrong.
- Checkpoints are linearly ordered and the respective messages are labeled by numbers. All game-related materials contain the Puzzle Hunt logo. There might be a multi-checkpoint where all its subtasks needs to be solved first (either in a fixed or a free order) to proceed further. In that case, a letter or a symbol is appended to the message number (e.g. 1a,1b or 2#,2&).
- Any "organizational" parts of the messages will be distinguished by a "THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE" label.
- Skipping checkpoints is forbidden. Should a team by whatever chance find a message with higher number than the one they are looking for, they mustn't take it (yet).
- Messages are hidden near checkpoint locations within approx. 5 meters. This prevents interferences of non-participants. Displacing the hide-out or tampering the messages in any way is forbidden. Don't attract other people's attention to the hide-outs. Remember that any theft of the messages can seriously disrupt the game.
- There is a pile of message copies present at every checkpoint. Each team is allowed to take only one copy (unless explicitly stated otherwise). After taking the message, the team should move out of the checkpoint's location unless they want to help the competitors:). If there is only a single copy left, the team should call the game masters and hand-copy the message in the meantime.
- There might be hints available for some puzzles, especially at the beginning. Taking a hint will always result in some kind of (time/physical) penalty. The particular form of the hints will be published later.
- If you have a very strong feeling there is an organizational problem with a checkpoint/message, please call the game masters. Their cell phone number will be provided later. Participants may receive broadcast SMS information from the game masters (emergency - not containing puzzles). Therefore, please take the cell phone entered during the registration with you.
Recommended Equipment
- One doesn't need any special equipment such as radio stations or laptops. Digital cameras might be useful, though.
- Headlight / flashlight (the game may partially run during dark hours).
- (Waterproof) outdoor outfit.
- Knowledge of basic principles like the Morse code or that R=18 :).
- Ability to locate north, either by map, compass, lichen, or whatever.
- Other things will be specified later.
Pieces of Advice
- Having more team members is always an advantage.
- Don't give up after one or two hours of unfruitful decrypting. Have a beer instead:).
- Messages will be hidden but it should be relatively easy to find them - if you're at the correct place. The stress of the game is on decrypting, not on finding a needle in a haystack.
- Keep all the found information and messages with you - one never knows when it comes handy.
- Splitting of the team is allowed.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 17:52 |